Aging Well: happiness is the magic elixir

I had the fabulous opportunity to sit down with Patricia Greenberg for a chat about aging —not only gracefully, but joyously. We also talked about mindset, ways to calm anxiety, and focus on being your best and happiest self.

Watching this interview after the fact, I was struck by my own journey from an insecure and anxious young person who walked around believing she was horribly flawed and socially awkward, to a confident “older” woman who just really doesn’t have time for people who don’t like or approve of her.

Life is too short and too full of wonderful things to stress about the small stuff or worry about what other people think. You can catch our conversation here:

Kerry chats with Patricia Greenberg about living a joyful and fulfilling life at any age

You can check out the Tapping Solution that we discussed here, if you’d like to check out EFT. I highly recommend this!

What is your happy place? Where do you find satisfaction and joy? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.


Fun chatting up Improbably Yours on The Storytellers with Grace Sammon


Fit the crappy stuff in the cracks and make room for joy