Chronic Shock and How it Affects Your Life
Divided attention, crazy schedules, overflowing to do lists - these are all symptoms of shock. Who knew?
Certainly not me. When our teacher asked us to turn to the shock questionnaire you'll see below, I took one look and burst out laughing.
"What?" she said.
"You're telling me people have less than three things on their To Do List? Like, for real?" said I.
She smiled at me, very kindly. "Yes," she said.
I probably rolled my eyes. I think I might have. What sort of functional person doesn't have an overflowing, insane list of stuff to do?
So I did the little screening test you'll see below, and guess what? I'm insanely high on the sympathetic shock scale, and I flip over into parasympathetic on a regular basis.
It came to my attention during my recent six day intensive training in heart centered hypnotherapy that I've been living in a state of chronic shock for years.
Stay with me, here.
I see you flitting away to go look at something else because you're too busy or this doesn't apply to you. Guess what?
Divided attention, crazy schedules, overflowing to do lists - these are all symptoms of shock. Who knew?
Certainly not me. When our teacher asked us to turn to the shock questionnaire you'll see below, I took one look and burst out laughing.
"What?" she said.
"You're telling me people have less than three things on their To Do List? Like, for real?" said I.
She smiled at me, very kindly. "Yes," she said. "People do."
I probably rolled my eyes. What sort of functional person doesn't have an overflowing, insane list of stuff to do?
So I did the little screening test you'll see below, and guess what? I'm insanely high on the sympathetic shock scale, and I flip over into parasympathetic on a regular basis. I'm going to talk about this more, but for this post I want to gently suggest that you take a deep breath, and then either read through this check list or print it out and actually check the boxes and score yourselves.
I'd love to hear from you in comments how you score.
I'll be writing more about this, so stay tuned. You can also buy the book and go straight to the source.
I'll be writing more about this, so stay tuned. You can also buy the book and go straight to the source.